Alfa Power Plus



इसमें भरपूर एनर्जी है जिससे हर प्रकार की थकान को दूर करती है| पाचन क्रिया को भी सुधरती है | सेक्सुअल कमजोरी को दूर करती है | मानसिक और शारीरिक ताकत को बढाती है | शरीर और मन को ताकत देती है | शरीर को ऊर्जावान बनती है|

There is plenty of energy in it, which removes all types of fatigue. Also improves digestion. Sexual removes weakness. Increases mental and physical strength. It gives strength to body and mind. Makes the body energetic .

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prickly water lily seed, oats, almonds, peanut, pistachio, flaxseed, wheat, sucrose, solid milk, natural identical flavouring substances, acidity regulators,

Contains permitted natural color and added flavour

Best Before 12 months from Packaging

Direction for use

(1) Take 200ml of hot milk or water (2) Add two heaped tea spoonful, 27g of alfa power plus or direction by the physician (3) Stir quickly to mix well (add a little sugar if required) 

Additional information

Weight 0.4 g


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